Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Storm Chaser: Chapter 8

Chapter 8

“Lisa you know I can’t do that,” Elena said with a laugh. She shook her head at the good natured protest Lisa made. “I’m glad you want a sneak peek but if I let you into the store early then Tina will want to go in. Then Marcie and Greg and then all of my regular clients will want to know why they weren’t invited to the sneak peek and it will be a mess.”

“Fine,” Lisa responded. Elena could tell she was pouting but wouldn’t take the rebuff personally. She just wanted to see if it would work.

“So how was your trip? Meet any interesting guys?” Lisa asked. Elena thought about Benjamin Valentine.

“Interesting, yes. Datable, no.” She told her friend.

“Oh well it isn’t like you have a shortage of men at the moment anyway not with that super sexy designer and the oh so yummy business partner around.”

“I’m not sure I would actually describe Peter Baranov as yummy,” she said coming to a stop at the light.

“What would you call him?” Lisa teased. Mentally Elena ran through a list of terms. Dangerous. Devious. Determined. Demented.

“I would have to term him definitely not dateable.” She replied sticking with the ds. “And as a business partner it would be bad even if he was.”

“I noticed you didn’t protest the super sexy designer.”

“You mean the super sexy designer who is technically working for me and is the cousin of my business partner?” Elena countered.

“Aggh,” Lisa let out an exaggerated sound of exasperation. “Forget it. You are impossible.” Personally Elena was having a little bit of trouble forgetting about Andre. The fact that he was rapidly becoming a friend and working with her as more of a partner made it very difficult to remember all of the reasons she shouldn’t be looking at him. Even if she ditched propriety of mixing her business life with her personal life, there was still Peter. Elena made a face at the phone.

“I’m not impossible Lisa. Just kinda swamped. I appreciate the scenery but don’t really have time for a hike.”

“Honey we should all make time for a hike.”

“That wasn’t what I meant,” Elena said blushing. “I hike.” Elena turned on to Pine Street and mentally debated stopping by her apartment before going to check on the stores while Lisa dissected Elena’s last hiking partner. As Elena passed by the street her apartment building fronted she glanced over. While the street was not usually a deserted one most people didn’t spend large amounts of time lingering outside in the damp February chill. So seeing a couple of people merely standing across the street from her apartment tweaked her paranoia bone. Apparently it had just gone into hibernation while she was on the docking facility. Her garage was on the next street over. Normally she would have pulled in and then just gone through the back entrance.

“Hey, Lisa,” I’m going to have to let you go. I’m almost to the store. I’ll see you Saturday at the opening?”

“Of course,” She said. “We have to see why you’ve been so busy lately. Neither Tina nor I have seen you since the housewarming. And since you won’t let me in for a preview I’ll have to show up at the gala opening.” Lisa laughed letting Elena know there were no hard feelings.

“Great. Can’t wait to see what you think.” Elena made her good byes and pulled into a spot on a side street near her store. There was a spot closer but it didn’t seem right to park in front of her own building when someone who wanted to actually buy what she was selling might want the spot.

‘Besides,’ she thought ‘This way I get to see how things look as I approach.’ Spin curled up in Elena’s arms, snuggling into Elena’s warmth. Elena quickly walked down the street, the cold wind whipping her hair in her eyes. ‘Definitely have to talk to Gia this time earthside. And pick up a coat.’ She had a waterproof coat she used ship board but was wholly inappropriate for everyday use. Skyside the temperature was regulated making the extra garments merely a fashion affectation. Elena thought longingly of the warm heavily lined coats all hung neatly in her apartment closet.

Instead of running across the street, Elena forced herself to stop and take a look at what she had built. Calabrese Imports looked warm and inviting. ‘Especially on a day like today,’ she thought. The sky was a sheet of unbroken gray. The windows of the imports store glowed with a warm light. As she watched several people walking by turned towards the store as they passed, like flowers to the sun. Nibbles still had sheets of white paper covering the windows but the light from behind the paper made the sheets a bright white. By contrast the letters spelling Nibbles on the marquee were bright red while Calabrese Imports was spelled out in purposefully faded gold. The Imports store looked like a friendly place full of welcoming charm. Nibbles just looked like fun. Elena smiled and crossed the street.

The scent of hot coffee drifted to Elena as soon as she stepped through the door, adding another layer to the welcoming. Spin meowed and Elena let her down. The kitten began to tour the store in much the same way she prowled the Storm Chaser. ‘Apparently she looks after more than just the ship,’ Elena thought warmly. Max walked over and held out a cup off coffee, fixed just the way she liked it, a dash of sugar and dollop of cream. She wrapped her hands around it and inhaled deeply of the warmth. Max frowned and shook his head.

“What?” She asked.

“Your coat?” She grinned back at him. I forgot it. Max rolled his eyes. “It’s good to see you again, even if you are half frozen. Good trip?”

“Very good,” She answered taking a sip of the coffee. “Did I miss anything?” Elena glanced around the store. TJ was helping a customer and Susan, the manager was ringing up a few purchases at the register.

“Emily went into labor a few days ago. A healthy baby boy. Andrew by name. They are now safely back home.”

“Wonderful,” Elena said with a smile. She would have to remember to send flowers. “So everything went all right?”

“It did. Everything else I guess Susan can tell you. Although as much as we missed you around here it is probably a good thing you weren’t around.” He dropped his voice into a stage whisper. “And if I were you I would make myself scarce until Saturday.”

“Really, why?”

“Andre has apparently done his work too well.” Elena laughed at the statement.


“Everyone is talking about Nibbles. You wouldn’t believe the buzz. And of course everyone wants a sneak peek. Once they know you are back they will try and weasel you into it.”

“I’ve already had a few phone calls,” Elena said with a pleased smile. “At least we may have a good turn out for the opening.” TJ made his same and walked his client to the register where Susan rang her up. When the customer had left and only the staff remained Elena and Max walked over to the register. She was welcomed home enthusiastically and to her surprise both TJ and Susan echoed Max’s thoughts about staying away.

“Really Elena it has been crazy. Mrs. Elersbee actually tried sneaking in. She told us she was one of your most loyal customers and that you wouldn’t mind.” Elena shook her head.

“Perhaps we can arrange a special after hours thing for our more frequent customers shortly after the opening,” she mused. “I hope she wasn’t upset.”

“No she was all right. We just told her that only you could make that call and since you were out of town and incommunicado we didn’t feel right making that call.” Susan told her.

“It was all very diplomatic,” TJ assured her with a wicked grin. “It sort f helped that there were several other very loyal customers listening in at the time.”

“Well then this week I’ll try to stay out of sight in Nibbles so as not to cause trouble.” As the store was slow Susan and Elena went into the office where Susan covered the business end of operation rather than the gossip. Elena left with a stack of paperwork including Susan’s recommendations for reordering supplies. It was with a little bit of relief that she escaped to Nibbles next door, Spin following closely on her heels.

As she entered the store her eyes lit up at the sight. Spin went on her scouting mission while Elena took in the sight. The bare room had been transformed into a showplace. Rich colors gleamed under tasteful lighting. Displays practically made her want to drool over the merchandise. A sound to her right caused her to turn and she saw Roger, the manager she had hired for Nibbles on a step ladder adjusting a small light while Andre gave directions. When the light was focused on a small faceted bottle, Andre gave the word to stop and Roger locked the light in place. The spotlight caused the bottle to throw out a spray of rainbow sparkles on the dark wood beneath.

“Beautiful,” Elena said. Both men startled noticing her for the first time. Andre smiled sending a shiver in her belly. Elena tried to squash the feeling down.

“Picking up homework?” Andre asked indicating the stack of paper in her arms. Roger climbed down and folded up the step ladder.

“Something like that,” she told him with a grin. “I stopped by to see what was needed and apparently the world works just fine without me but they are more than willing to hold the paperwork for me.”

“That’s what you get for being the boss,” Andre replied.

“Do you have anything you need help with?” Elena asked Roger.

“I think we are doing pretty well,” he replied. His voice was a warm baritone and she knew he had once had operatic ambitions. “You will be here tomorrow for the training? Some of your notes were a little…” Roger trailed off, unsure how to finish the sentence without implying criticism. Elena laughed.

“I believe, messy sporadic and at some points illegible would all qualify to finish that thought.”

“I would have gone with sparse,” Roger said smiling.

“I’ll be here tomorrow. And I was thinking. It would be a good idea to let the staff taste what they will be selling. That way they have a better grasp of what they are selling. It is one thing to know something tastes of citrus but quite another to have tasted it. I can pick up some bread and crackers as well as some seltzer for mixing some of the drinks this evening to bring in.”

“I can bring in one of the folding tables from the back,” Roger said looking around for a place to put it.

“Maybe we could just use the conference room upstairs. That way we won’t have to risk any of these fabulous displays. I can’t believe the work you did while I was gone.”

“Andre was a huge help,” Roger said. “An artist’s view to mix with my retail one.”

“Seems to have worked,” Elena said. She and Roger quickly went over the schedule for the rest of the week. While he didn’t have nearly the amount of paperwork Susan had handed her, he did have a list of invoices and itineraries to add to her stack.

“While you are checking up on things,” Andre said when she was finished. “I have a couple things to run past you. No paperwork though, I promise.”

“Then I would be happy to look it over.” Roger returned to his displays and Elena looked around for spin. The kitten, tired of meandering had curled up on a red and gold cushion and was watching Rodger through slitted eyes, unsure if he were friend or foe. Elena let her be and followed Andre up to the conference room and his work area.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see some new posts, I've been waiting for them with much anticipation!

Your writing is colourful and descriptive, as always. A joy to read!

Anonymous said...

updates!!! finally we get new chapters. (damn those evil flash drive thieves) :-)