Chapter 58
Elena took a deep breath and looked around the room. With the exception of Alex Barton, all of the councilors, including her grandfather wore neutral expressions. Alex Barton was frowning at her as if she were a puppy who had just made a mess on his new rug.
‘I guess he hasn’t forgiven me for Ian yet,” she thought. She tried not to frown thinking of all of the trouble Ian’s betrayal of the guild had caused her. ‘After all I simply reported the facts. I didn’t make him seek out the military.’ Each of the councilors had a copy of her proposal in front of them. Siobhan was seated in the center and seemed to be holding the position of chair for this meeting. Elena was somewhat relieved. She had never had many dealings with the councilor but at least she didn’t actively hate her.
“Well this is quite a surprising proposal,” Siobhan began. “If it hadn’t been verified by one of our own I would be hesitant to believe it.” Elena remained quiet. Alex snorted as if he still did not believe it. “Of course in addition to one of our number verifying it, one of the senior librarians was also willing to provide verification. This obviously eliminates all doubt.” Siobahn raised an eyebrow and glanced in Alex’s direction. He frowned but refrained from comment. “So if you will please begin.” She indicated Elena had the floor.
Elena nodded and began to tell of how she had discovered the Calling was not simply an illness but an evolution of ability. She told them of how she had come to this conclusion, thanking Siobhan and Riko for putting her on that path on their last visit. She told them of the tests and the recording probes and ended with the request to establish trade as was custom.
“You certainly seem to have done your homework,” Siobhan said. “I for one appreciated the referenced footnotes.” There was a small smile on her lips and Elena was not sure if she was being made fun of or not.
“Better safe than sorry,” she replied.
“Indeed,” Siobhan said. “Are there any questions for the Captain on the salient points represented?” Silence met her question and Elena was unsure if it was due to her clarification or to their not quite being on firm footing.
“Very well,” Siobhan nodded to the council recorder who stood and went to a set of closed doors. It was not the set by which Elena had entered. He opened the door and stuck his head out.
“They are ready for you now.” The recorder returned to his post as Evan Greggs entered the room.
“Greetings to the council,” He said. “How may I be of service to the guild today?”
“You have reviewed the coordinates listed in Captain Calabrese’s proposal?” Siobhan asked. Evan nodded.
“I have,” he replied. “In addition I also traveled with her to the coordinates to verify the location for myself.”
“And your verdict?”
“We can find no prior claimants to the area,” he said.
“Thank you,” Siobhan replied. “Are we ready for a vote?” A round of ayes met her question. “Good, all in favor of granting Captain Calabrese and her house trade rights?” All except Alex Barton assented. “All opposed?” Alex opposed. “The ayes have it. Captain you are aware that a trade route must be shown to benefit the guild as a whole. What are you prepared to offer?” Elena cleared her throat and prepared to give them a less than expected response. She didn’t know how Evan was feeling but her butterflies had been tied into knots and turned to stone.
“I have given this a great deal of thought councilor. The channel and expected route is in protected space. It is a sky to planet connection. With the increased raider attacks many of our normal trade routes have become much more dangerous.” Elena paused seeing the nods around the council. “The most precious commodity we have is knowledge. I propose that my benefit to the Guild is to provide a secure location for the Librarians to maintain a secure archive in a place free from raiders. In this way even if the Docking Facility itself is lost. Our knowledge will not be.” There was a moment of silence as the council processed the fact that Elena did not promise them a percentage of the profits.
“I see,” Siobhan said slowly. “Such a matter would of course be dependant on the approval of the house of Librarians.” Evan Greggs cleared his throat and all eyes swiveled to him.
“It is a generous offer and of great benefit to the guild as a whole. If a suitable location can be found the House of librarians is willing to work with the House of Captain Calabrese.” Siobhan blinked hard.
“Yes then,” she began. “All in favor of accepting this benefit to the Guild if the House of Librarians finds a suitable location?” All said Aye, not even Alex wanted to cross the Librarians.
“Your benefit to the Guild has been conditionally accepted,” Siobhan said. “Please keep us informed of the progress.”
“I will,” Elena said. “Thank you.” She was dismissed and the council hall was once again opened as the next applicant took their place. The audience filed into the bleachers to lend support of rail against what ever had come up for docket. Elena stepped from the council chambers and into the corridor. Benjamin was waiting.
“Well?” he asked.
“It was granted and my guild tithe conditionally accepted,” she told him.
“The Librarians have to find a place they think is suitable before it becomes official.”
“I see,” he said. “So it is good news?”
“Yeah,” Elena said. She glanced over her shoulder at the closed doors behind her and thought about the people who stood behind it, her grandfather included. “Does your offer of discrete investigation still stand?” She asked, when she was sure no one else was in the corridor.
“It does.”
“I’d like to take you up on that.” He nodded.
“I’ll ask for details once we are away,” he said. This time she nodded and then broke out into a grin.
“I suppose we had best go back and tell the others,” she said.”The world is changing and they should be warned.” Benjamin offered her his arm.
“I suppose they should at that,” he said. Together they headed down the corridor.
Thank you for an excellent story. I look forward to the next book.
Thank you so much!
I really enjoyed this tale!
I am looking forward to "Alliance."
I can't wait!
Love the story, although I feel the ending is a little on the abrupt side - I'd have expected to get a little bit of the celebration afterwards, though you'd probebly end up have to have a confrontation with Therese, which might not be a good note to end on. Will wait with breath bated for next book!
Thank you very much for sharing your talent & wonderful worldbuilding with us.
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